Kim Addonizio

Come join myself and Kim Addonizio in conversation at Burley Fisher books on 30th May

New workshops on Poetic Form

I’ll be teaching two workshops on Poetic Form, both online, both pay what you can, one on the Glosa (25th Nov 10am-12.30pm), one on the Pantoum (Sat 13th Jan 10am-12.30pm). Tickets available here

Lunaria – on writing, research and motherhood

A new lyric essay, Lunaria, published today in the Eastern Iowa Review: 

London Grip review of Rock, Bird, Butterfly

Thanks to Pam Thomson for this review of Rock, Bird, Butterfly

Feature in Jamaican Gleaner

Happy to be featured in the Jamaican Gleaner this week

Thanks to the Friday Poem for this review of ‘Rock, Bird, Butterfly’

If the wallpaper could speak

‘Old Friends’ reviewed by The Friday Poem

Pulled into focus through my mind’s binoculars

Northern Soul in Durham?

A new little project about the Northern Soul scene in Durham…if anyone remembers the Newton Aycliffe youth club all-nighters, please get in touch!

Fellow of the Royal Society for Literature

Had a dreamy night becoming a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, along with many writer friends and colleagues. I signed the book with Andrea Levy’s pen, because her writing made me want to write. Many thanks to all at the RSL, especially Bernie Evaristo for her amazing speech

BBC Radio 3 The Verb – ‘Hidden’

I had fun recording The Verb last week with Sarah Howe, Kayo Chingonyi and Mick Herron…talking ‘hidden’ language, places, history.